Former Participants Child Form

The former participants child form is located under the History tab on the Committee Profile and displays a list of all former participants in the committee. Former participants are those participants whose end date has passed.

Former Participants Child Form Information

The former participants child form displays a listing of all individuals whose end dates have passed. This child form displays the following data columns:

Column Description
Order This is the list order that was set for the committee position.
Position This is the committee position that was set when the participant was added or modified.
Name This is the name of the individual who is a current active participant on the committee.
Company This is the company associated with the participant's individual record.
Status This is the current status for the committee participant.
Start Date This is the date the participant was added to the committee.
End Date This is the date the participant was deemed no longer to be active in the committee.
Admin Checked if the participant has administrator rights for the committee.
Voting? Checked if the participants holds voting rights for the committee.
Funded Checked if the participant holds a funded position by the committee.
Renewable Checked if the participant has a renewable position on the committee.

The following icons are available next to each record on the former participants child form:

  • Edit - Clicking the Edit icon will open the Edit - Committee Participation pop-up window where changes can be made to the participant's record.
  • Delete - Clicking the Delete icon will open a confirmation window confirming that you wish to delete this participant from the committee.
  • GoTo - Clicking the GoTo icon will take you the participant's Participant Profile page.